Tracking memory in Django


Pympler includes a memory profile panel for Django that integrates with the Django Debug Toolbar. It shows process memory information and model instances for the current request.


Pympler adds a memory panel as a third party addon – it’s not included in the Django Debug Toolbar. It can be added by overriding the DEBUG_TOOLBAR_PANELS setting in the Django project settings:


Pympler also needs to be added to the INSTALLED_APPS in the Django settings:

INSTALLED_APPS = INSTALLED_APPS + ('debug_toolbar', 'pympler')

Known issues

Pympler doesn’t correctly handle tracking calls from concurrent threads. In order to get accurate instance counts and sizes, it’s recommended to only use single-threaded web servers for memory profiling, e.g.:

django-admin runserver --nothreading

Expose a memory-profiling panel to the Django Debug toolbar.

Shows process memory information (virtual size, resident set size) and model instances for the current request.

Requires Django and Django Debug toolbar:

Pympler adds a memory panel as a third party addon (not included in the django-debug-toolbar). It can be added by overriding the DEBUG_TOOLBAR_PANELS setting in the Django project settings:


Pympler also needs to be added to the INSTALLED_APPS in the Django settings:

INSTALLED_APPS = INSTALLED_APPS + ('debug_toolbar', 'pympler')